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Old October 26th, 2005
hopper393 hopper393 is offline
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
Posts: 40
hopper393 is flying high

Well when i laid down this morning i had both running lime and edonkey....lime .37 woke up to the not conected ..but yet they were those crazy readings your talking about i use to get them on the 30 abd the sometimes a gray screen...that wouldn't close to the tray...but would minimize..and open to gray ..but if let run a while would starighten out on its own....per grandpa advive i uninstalled my java 1.5 and went with the 1.4 from sun....and what it was ...I have a accelerated graphics card in.... think it was in this thread....scroll back up to the top or start of this thread and you will see where he told me since i changed my java more of those wild speeds nor the gray screen......
let me know if you see where he told me about it...
Take care...

just an old highway tramp
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