Thread: no downloads
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Old October 26th, 2005
wondering why's Avatar
wondering why wondering why is offline
You caught my eye
Join Date: September 11th, 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 6,677
wondering why is just really nice

That says it all you have been scammed, LW is free for the basic version and if you then chose to upgrade it is $18.88 for the pro version. Contact the scam site and try to get your money back if that fails contact your credit card company and let them know of this scam site. Unistall the crap lw you have as it obviously doesn't work and get LW from the official LW site (which you will find the link in one of the stickies in this forum).

Good luck.. make sure you stand up and be heard and don't let that scam site get away with it.

Bye for now...
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