Thread: Sick mouthers
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Old October 26th, 2005
hopper393 hopper393 is offline
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
Posts: 40
hopper393 is flying high

Hello grandpa...
I just run into you everywhere don't I ....hehehe
put in the .37 and running just fine....still goes into the sleep ..but not loseing conection....might be that i run both LW and donkey at same time last night...hehehe....
GOT a on the afterdawn board too...???like told you am fairly new to useing pc's and need a little help an playing and burning some files that say they are avi but won't burn or play through nero....and of coarse a couple other know how a mind can problem there is when looking there ....i get side tracked on other things and never find what i am looking for.........
Take care...

just an old highway tramp
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