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Old October 27th, 2005
venommous venommous is offline
Join Date: January 16th, 2004
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venommous is flying high
Default Unable to recognise new file formats - what programme to use??

Hi, I hope someone here can recognise the following files. I am having trouble converting them into a CD that can be recognised.

I have unzipped a file/Winzipped program and it has made me 5 more files:

1. Abstract - 1KB
2. Bibliogr - 1KB
3. carindb - 579,626KB (this, I presume is the real programme?)
4. Carinet - 740KB
5. Copyrigh - 1KB

It is a GPS program for an in-car sat-nav. However, when I burn them to a CD the car cannot recognise it as a program.

Neither Alcohol or Nero recognises them or/are able to convert to a single file/fomat or CD.

Which program should I use after I have unzipped this program, please? Is there something I can do to merge them into one full, working, program?

Please help i am running out of ideas and CDs!!

Regards, V
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