Hi, Hobo. Thanks for being there! I see I'm not the only victim of clickbank. I swear I went to
www.limewire.com to join and, not being all that computer literate, I easy got confused. I just kept clicking "basic" that now I look at and it says "free", DUH! anyway, I was taken to a site that offered the 3 types of memberships. Really, what is a "lifetime" membership" anyway? Who's lifetime? mine, their? Boy do I feel stupid! so they said the $49.95 would show up on my debit card as "clickbank" and they gave me an order # and advised I print my receipt which I did. I can't understand how this happened or why they would give me a receipt. don't you think if they were legitimate, they would defend my "purchase" instead of just sending me a refund especially after I told them they were a scam? my refund is supposed to take 5 business days. we'll see. I have found several sites to report internet fraud, what do you think?