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Old October 29th, 2005
ldeanjames ldeanjames is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Location: Santa Maria, CA
Posts: 45
ldeanjames is flying high

Your wireless laptop question, im your bosssss: It's very do-able, if you have the right hardware on your laptop.
Try this link I found at Google.

It looks like it truncates my link somehow when this reply is posted, so the keywords I used were "wireless internet connections for laptop." There's only about 17 million postings on the subject. I saw $29.95/monthly quoted in the preview on one. It's supposed to be super super fast, but I've also heard it's super expensive, so you'll have to shop around. That quoted price might be a come-on.

Sambucabird, I think you've got the right of it. I was trying to think of what program I could pull up that would work fairly steadily on it's own, since LW stays awake when the computer is active. It's a shame we have to go 'round and 'round to find a workaround for LW ourselves. Where are the programmers? Isn't anyone delagated to creating fixes or workarounds on every upgrade? I don't think I've ever run across a perfect upgrade or patch, because it's impossible to test them under every conceivable computer situation.

My company, who shall remain nameless, gives us the alpha and beta versions for UAT, customer acceptance testing. Last version upgrade they made us completely wipe our lab systems, replace the harddrive, install Windows fresh,0 and do absolutely nothing to try to break the upgrade (which was always half the fun!) So of course, under those ridiculous conditions the software passed with flying colors. When the customers received it, we found all kinds of install errors and other little nasties like disappearing customer address databases. But 2nd and 3rd level went to work getting our fixes all in a row. I'm confused by LW's attitude toward issues, but since I have no clue how the operation is run, I can't really know what's going on behind that big Oz curtain.
So I'll bring up my itunes and set it to play. A very clever idea, by the way! LW has been very bad today about disconnecting every time I turn my back.

Hopper: Hope you're getting the rest you need. 40 hours up without chemical stimulation? You should see the coffee I drink-- dark French that I grind myself, (so fine you have to use a paper filter). made one huge mug at a time via a drip cone. It tastes soooo good, but I can drink a whole mug and go straight to sleep.
I still haven't been able to appreciate the free download site you sent, but soon...soon. Thank you so much.
I was up all night last night, so I'm going to pay a couple of bills online then try to go to sleep.
Well, have a brilliant weekend. Talk to you all later.
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