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  #46 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
hopper393 hopper393 is offline
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
Posts: 40
hopper393 is flying high

seriously load one of your players with a play list of songs that will run most of the night and see what that does....might sirprise you.....hey i had to turn my comport down to default ....and turn off hardware acceleration to keep from poping the port...or kicking me off line....its like this i down loaded three complete files last night of over 600 mb a couple partials...
what i am doing my downloads set at three active ...and then a stack the rest up in que...the three useally run above 25 each ....up to 45....when they finish then the others ones pick up...give it a try....and turn on your music....

just an old highway tramp
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