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Old October 31st, 2005
yellow stars yellow stars is offline
Join Date: October 31st, 2005
Posts: 2
yellow stars is flying high
Default Limewire hangs at splash screen

when i try to open up LW 4.9 it hangs at the splash screen. nothing happens. one night i tried to leave it at the splash screen and when i woke up it was still on it.

i have just reformatted my computer with windows xp sp1 and i tried to install limewire 4.9 on there. it installed fine. i did everything that was mentioned in the fix thread including installing the offline version of java 1.4.2. i uninstalled LW, restarted my comp, installed java, restarted my comp, then installed LW, and restarted again.

i have tried to go back to previous version of LW and it happens to all of them. i have done all my updates and it still happens.

the specs of my comp are as follows:
windows pro xp with sp1
80 gig maxtor hd
amd xp 2600 (i think)
512 of ddr 2100 (i think its 2100)
no running firewall
no antivirus just yet

its not a prebuilt computer its a computer that i built.

ive also tried to do the windows 2000 compatability change that is mentioned in the fix thread but that doesnt work either. im hoping this has happened to one of you guys and there is also a fix.

Last edited by yellow stars; October 31st, 2005 at 02:41 PM.
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