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Old October 31st, 2005
ldeanjames ldeanjames is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Location: Santa Maria, CA
Posts: 45
ldeanjames is flying high
Default Howdy

Sounds like you guys have been having a merry old time while I was gone. I would've drop kicked this computer into the next county if I could avoid foot damage.
I was so mad at Norton Internet Security that I practically tore it off my system yesterday, even wiped the registry keys (though when I ran registryfix, it found a bunch more of Symantics under the next key down, not software.
Oh, but it was pure joy to not see ccApp chewing up my memory. Oh, and my 512 stick of RAM showed up late yesterday, put it in this evening and I'm now the proud owner of 992 megs of RAM. I'm so stoked, except I need other things to make my system go. And I know that's not much compared to the new systems. I feels good to me anyway.
But there's still no joy in Mudville--my Windows Explorer is still striking out. I open any file folder once and Explorer grabs 100% of the cpu usage and will not let it go. I've run every repair I could get, freeware or otherwise and nothing seems to help.
Does this mean I need to reinstall Windows? Oh, please say it isn't so!
I also put Zone Alarm on my system, and had to fix my floppy drive. I haven't even had a chance to open LimeWire in three days. Does anyone know how to delete a video file that insists it can't delete because someone else is using it? No one is that I can find. I've cold booted, hard booted and restarted my computer 50 times in the last two days Somehow I have to find the "someone" using the file. I've gone everywhere I can think of without joy.
Well, glad someone finally figured out a good workaround for LW's narcolepsy. I will continue to bumble around here, trying to find out Win Explorer's issue.
Oh, one more weirdness. In Task Manager, I have an executable that seems to be duplicating itself. It started with three, then four and tonight I have six svchost.exes. Three say the system is using them, two say network service and the last one is local service. One of the system svchosts is sucking up 26,440 K of memory, the rest all take up 4 or 5 or 6 thousand K.
Checked in Google at some forums, and tracked down all but one, besides the one in System32, where it belongs. I renamed the others. There seems to be a connection between Explorer's problems and too many svchosts. But one guy said that Windows would create more when it needed them, so go figure.
Enough of this nonsense.
I also found a freeware cdchecker that checks for corruption in video and audio files, because there's also a connection between Explorer and corrupt media files. My videos all checked out fine. Now I have to test the music files. But not tonight.
Hope all is well with everyone. Take care.
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