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Old October 31st, 2005
Mr.D Mr.D is offline
Join Date: October 31st, 2005
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Posts: 2
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Unhappy Downloading won't start

Ladies & Gentlemen,

When I start LimeWire and start searching for a file the list of search results is presented in a window.
When I click on the file to download the file doesn't move to the download window so downloading won't start.
I have open't the ports of the firewall and I have a very good connection to the internet.
It look's like a problem with the application itself but I can't pin point it.
I use the latest version of limeWire, 4.9.37., I even have de-installed it and installed it again, no change.
Installed the new java virtual machine from Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 5

Anyone any suggestions ?

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