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Old November 1st, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Check If I have this correct. Do you do have your preference files in your download folder as well as your downloads? ... please tell me exactly which files you do have in your download folder apart from downloads.

Your .limewire (ie Preferences) folder should be in in "C:\My Documents"
And I would like you to check if you do have anything there.

In short please tell me where your .limewire preference folder is.

What I think you are going to have to do is move all your downloads into your newly created folder. and then delete your preference folder with Limewire completely closed.

The problem here is we need to check exactly where your preferences are, as, like I said befor the preferences have gone missing recently on occasions

When your preferences have been deleted, and you restart Limewire it should create a new preference folder and you will have to reset.

I shall check if I can find where some of the preference folders have finnished up and return shortly.

As I use a mac, I don't have this problem, but I shall check some old posts. back soon
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