I find it hard to work out if a host has finished uploading a file from me. I see sometimes the same ip numbere with different port numbers have uploade what I imagine are parts or a file. They read completed, but then the host will start up, with a different port number and do it all again.
This may be normal procedure, but without going back to the file and checking it's size (which doesn't always "add up") it is hard to know if an upload is complete.
Another thing I often notice is that an upload reaches 99% and 0 seconds remaining, Then drops to about 94% and 20 seconds remaining and continues up and down indefinitely. The files as far as I know are not faulty, though it often seems to happen on a pdf file which I recall has problems being transferred on Phex.
If it could be explained to me what is going on in these situations I should feel better educated
Yes I also should probably up grade ... will do so shortly