TCP/IP Optimisers
It seems the best way to find out about TCP/IP Optimisers is to set up a test bench of some sort, this will require you to invest some resources (manpower, computers, research methodolgy) into this endeavour.
You must understand that since most people now use broadband TCP/IP Optimisers have become redundant so internet users will have very little, if any, experience of using these small software utilities.
Saying that, I use a small optimiser that I was told to use by my ISP, the website, individual settings (MTU, Latency, etc) and anything else that was needed was directed by my ISP.
So, I guess, another alternative is that you should check with your ISP about these optimisers, your ISP should know the best ones and corresponding settings that will give their users the best proformance.
But if you decide to do this on your own you could end up sending your site users to a scam site like Download Booster
UK Bob |