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Old November 4th, 2005
JorgeF JorgeF is offline
Join Date: November 4th, 2005
Location: NJ
Posts: 8
JorgeF is flying high
Default Size filter needed - Limewire wake up already

Limewire needs to reply to some of these threads with an idea as to when they can ad a size limiter preference.

There should be several options instituted:

In the preference of the program there should be an option to eliminate from the search outcome files that meet a certain size requirements. The sliding is good but not enough as there can be files of interest which are big and small at the same time.
It would be great if we can say in the program, eliminate all files that are 851.7KB.

2nd: One should have the ability to highlight several files at once and with one right click of the mouse block all the hosts that have those files.

3rd: If one result shows up but with 36 people that have it, at present we are only able to block one. We need the ability to block all.

I hope LIMEWIRE is reading this!!!

Lets put the class back into this program and give the users what they need.

This should be top priority next to security.

Everyone please voice your opinion and other features that you feel merit Limewire to change.
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