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Old November 5th, 2005
Anyse Anyse is offline
Join Date: May 27th, 2005
Location: Sacramento
Posts: 13
Anyse is flying high
Default Java

Yes, I did use the off line installer of Java right off. I have destroyed alll preferences twice per each installation of even the new build that you referred to me. I have done EVERYTHING as instructed.

I notice a very large number of threads and messages regarding this firwalll problem and know that I am not alone!

Should I not be able to get mine to work by Friday, November 11, I will ask for a refund of payment for a non-working product. I have used Liemwire over a year with NO problems whatsoever and I know that it is at your end that it does not work properly. I hope that you can fet this bug fixed by Friday.

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