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Old November 5th, 2005
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Default Re: Java

Originally posted by Anyse
... I know that it is at your end that it does not work properly. I hope that you can fet this bug fixed by Friday.
This is not Limewire. This is a public forum that caters for many gnutella programs & we are simply volunteers that help out on the forum. The forum site is not owned or run by Limewire or any other gnutella client program. Thus, such problems & demands should be put to LW's technical & sales support. All advice we offer is based on personal experience & from what we've learnt from helping others on the forum. We aren't experts! (or I'm certainly not.) lol

Panther users: Here's something I totally forgot all about: LW on OSX.3.9 fixed :0) (click on link)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 16th, 2006 at 10:59 AM.
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