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Old November 5th, 2005
Seifer Seifer is offline
Join Date: November 4th, 2005
Posts: 5
Seifer is flying high
Angry Connection Problems....and it USED TO Work Just Fine.

I need some major help. A couple of days ago my Limewire started acting funky:

-it keeps disconnecting itself
- when it does connect it only reaches "Good" than drops back down to "Starting connection" or "Disconnected"
-I can't search (even if I have a connection). Seriously how hard can the word "Britney Spears" be to have AT LEAST 100 hits. I didn't get ANY or just three at the most.
- When I AM downloading something, it doesn't even seem to be downloading even when I'm supposedly connected. I can only get 0 to 1 kilobytes. I tried downloading something with HUNDREDS of sources but I only got like 0 to 1 kilobytes per second and sometimes only up to three hosts.

Please HELP! I'll give you a chocolate-chip cookie!
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