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Old November 12th, 2005
revsrealm revsrealm is offline
Join Date: November 12th, 2005
Posts: 2
revsrealm is flying high

Originally posted by RedZ71
I'm not absolutley possitive but i believe Vista III Media blocks or filters the P2P Because i have tried everything in the forum and nothing works. I called to check and they say they dont but why would they want you to no. If anyone has any ideas on how to help me please let me know i have a thread on slow downloads.
...Having the same issue w/ Vista III...don't know the answer

EDIT: I had to call tech support b/c my linksys router wouldn't work. asked about firewalls and things of that nature...guy didn't have much of an answer, but decided my router wouldn't read my modem. so, he did something, and now, i have full use of Limewire...for now! I had to reset my router, also, b/c of the error.

Last edited by revsrealm; November 19th, 2005 at 02:11 PM.
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