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Old September 10th, 2000
DarthGummiBear DarthGummiBear is offline
Join Date: July 27th, 2000
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 23
DarthGummiBear is flying high

If what you say about furi chat packets is true, Shaun, than that could very well be part of the problem--how would other clients such as gnotella and toadnode be able to tell the difference between regular gnotella packets and the chat packets?

I haven't used furi yet--do those chat packets go through the network? Or are they direct between furi clients?

As much as some of you may like the variation in clones, I think it is ultimately detrimental to the network as each client adds its own "special touch" to its packets. No matter how you look at it, all that extraneous data coming from all those different sources can't be good.

I think we need to get as many people as possible using the same client. Gnotella and Toadnode are the best two clients, and only through combining features of both can we achieve this goal.

Features such as determining bitrate are convenient but totally unescessary--it just adds to the congestion. Remember guys--[b]SIMPLE IS FAST.[b]
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