Thread: movie download
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Old November 13th, 2005
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Well movies are very large files, usually 700 MB or more. Where a song is only 3-6 MB. The speed at which a file downloads depends on several things like the speed of your connection. The speed of the people your d/ling from. The quality of the connection. How you have LW configured. weather your isp filters p2p ect.

One thing if you only d/l one file at a time that one file should d/l faster than if you have ten files waiting.
Here's a link with tips on how to configure LW: A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance

Another link here: Skills to continue downlds, Downld speeds, Searching, optimal performance
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!

Last edited by 6_pac; November 13th, 2005 at 11:42 PM.
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