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Old November 15th, 2005
trapspringer trapspringer is offline
Join Date: November 14th, 2005
Posts: 3
trapspringer is flying high
Default From Dowloading from 1 host to Waiting in Line Position 1, WTH?

I would just like a little insight into what is going on here. Many times, I will be downloading a file for many hours and then something very frustraing happens...I will go from downloading it to all of a sudden to waiting in line at position 1. Now this is screwed up because I know that it took me almost a whole day to try and download the file and now I am at position one which could mean at least a day of waiting for someone else to do it.

The real frustrating part comes when before I can get back into a postion of downloading the file, the message goes to "need mores sources" or "awaiting sources" and then I almost never get the chance to download the complete file again. Can someone provide me with some insgight into what may be going on?
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