Hopefully, the following will answer your questions and shed some light on what is going on.
Now the problems you have complained of have happened to me as well, in fact they are still happing to me.
Anyway, here we go:
I will go from downloading it to all of a sudden to waiting in line at position 1.
I have complained about this particular problem myself, my understanding is that some P2P software have the ability to bump you off your download and put you back in the the queue. I have asked if LW can have an "anti-bumping" facility incorporated into it, you can guess what the answer was.
"need mores sources" or "awaiting sources"
Yes, I too have had this, it basically means that the person you are downloading from has probably switched off his PC.
With "need mores sources" there is a chance that the file you are after is available on some other PCs on the P2P network. However, with "awaiting sources" it means that the PC or PCs that have this file have been turned off.
Saying all that, I could be wrong but in the 2.5 years I have been using LW I think my observations have been accurate.
UK Bob
PS. I am assuming that you understand that the P2P network consists of thousands of PC, which you download from, and not a single owned source, such as a server.