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Old November 16th, 2005
exumab exumab is offline
Join Date: April 14th, 2005
Posts: 9
exumab is flying high
Default Why are 150 search results numbered but only 20 visable?

when I do a search the results usually shows a considerable number of results Example: churchill (250) but there are only 15 listed and i can access no more.

The search results shown tend to be generally meager no matter what the subject and never the number shown. Is there something I should be doing that I am not?

Am I limited to only the limewire search option or are other search engines available for use with limewire?

I have tried to research this information before submitting these questions without success. I mention this lest I find my self being reprimanded for the asking due to something I may have missed.

Can anyone help me with this. Thank you for any assistance you might be able to offer.
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