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Old November 26th, 2001
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KathW KathW is offline
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Guys, its not funny losing Files, why deleting them from shared list.
It also deleted it from my harddisk.... and i couldnt get them back, now im trying to find them again.
So im searching a program like Norton Rescue. This program can find them back, if they havent been overwritten on the harddisk..

If any one knows a shareware or freeware for this it would help me, cuz i dont have norton anymore....

I think thats something you should change in this program...

I just wanted to remove from shared files... and not to delete from my harddisk.

You're the third person that I know of that has done this. I'm sorry to say that the files are gone and I don't know if getting norton after they have gone will get them back.

This sounds as if we need some kind of warning in the Library window or something to tell people that what is listed in your Library is actually a reflection of what is on your hard drive - delete from your library and you delete from your hard drive.

Hope you didn't lose too many files
Always judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of no possible use to them

Last edited by KathW; November 26th, 2001 at 11:39 AM.
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