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Old November 20th, 2005
tommy0677 tommy0677 is offline
Join Date: November 20th, 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 3
tommy0677 is flying high
Question OSX Tiger Firewall Detected

I've did the whole "search" thing and I'm not a "newbie" to such forums. So here is my question:

I currently have 4.9.37 Limewire and 1.4.2_09 JAVA installed on my iBook. I've set it to manual port forwarding (Limewire), have added the port to my firewall (which is off), have set up my router (Linksys WRT54GP2) for the 6346 port. I've already had the port open on my router for Shareaza for my Microsoft based PC. Now everytime I open Limewire, it tells me there is a firewall detected. I am able to DL files fine and am showing a very strong connection to the network. Is this a glitch with the program or is there something that I'm missing here???

Hopefully someone can answer this question straight, without trying to redirect me with a link to another dead-end. I know I'm not the only one trying to figure out this detection thing, so any help would be great. Answer without a link if you know anything about this problem or glitch please.

Thanks in advance
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