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Old November 20th, 2005
lime05 lime05 is offline
Join Date: November 20th, 2005
Location: England, uk
Posts: 35
lime05 is flying high
Default illegal downloads/uploads?

i know the legal aspect of file sharing music has been discussed on this forum. music is only illegal to download if its copyrighted.

but what i was wondering was how is copyrighted music available to download in the first place. obiviously the people who are uploading the music arent getting caught because if they were they would be made to delete the files as well as recieving a fine. i know due to nature of the internet its hard to trace people as files arent stored in one central location. but people have been caught downloading copyrighted music and have faced fines of around £2,500. why arent the uploaders being caught? any explanations. thanks.
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