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Old November 20th, 2005
ag101 ag101 is offline
Join Date: October 7th, 2005
Posts: 18
ag101 is flying high
Talking LimeWire can't connect? Behind Firewall? Try this!

Here's how to get LimeWire working:
- Contains steps given n times on the forums - but missed by all
- Creditz to all who've posted entries/advices on these forums
- Creditz go to my brother A*** who got my last hurdle figured.

Disclaimer: This method/trick/process has been implemented (successfully) on a PPPoE internet service.
My ISP may quite possibly be blocking port 6346 (on which GNUtella/LW ususally works..)
I cannot say if it will work for all types of internet services...
Still I post this sincerely hoping that this helps at least some of you people, as it did for me!

First, let's configure LimeWire settings!
Start LW and goto Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall Config
In this section, I set the Listening Port to listen on Port 25192
The Router Configuration is a little series of connection and disconnection...
First, instead of using UPnP, select Manua Port Forward.
Change it from the default 6346. Set the value to 1111.
Then click on Apply and then OK.
Now disconnect LW by going to File>Disconnect.
Then completely quit (Exit) LimeWire. Even from the System Tray.
Now start LW again! And once again, goto Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall Config.
Now set the Router Configuration to once again use UPnP instead of Manual.
Then click on Apply and then OK. Exit LimeWire complely.
(I know this above procedure seems very dumb/stupid/ridiculous/funny/orthodox/whatever...
But when nothing seems to work, you might as well try every dumb advice you get!)
Do not restart it now. We have Windows networking settings to fiddle with now!

Open the Windows Firewall settings. Here's how!
Start>Control Panel>Windows Firewall
Go to the Advanced tab.
You should be able to see your network connection(s) under Network Connection Settings.
(In my case, I have three connections currently....
Connection to <ISP's name here>
Connection to cable at <ISP's name here>
Local Area Connection
All three are selected by a check mark before each.
Sometimes I may have only two, sometimes four - if I have created multiple akd dial-up connections)

Now do the following to the connection(s) are using:
Select (click on) the network connection you are using.
Click on the Settings button to the right. You'll get an Advanced Settings window.
In the Services tab, click on the Add... button at the bottom
The Service Settings window will now popup.
In Description of service, type GNUtella - TCP
For Name or IP Address, use
For External Port number, use 25192 (i.e. the same port number that you set LW to listen on.)
Set the Internal Port number the same as the External Port number. (i.e. 25192 in this case)
Check the radio button to TCP.
Click on OK when you're done! You'll now be back at the Advanced Settings window.
Click on Add again. This time check the UDP radio button instead of TCP.
In Description of service, type GNUtella - UDP (just to differentiate between the two)!
IP Address and Port numbers are to be kept the same as before!
Click on OK when you're done! You'll now be back at the Advanced Settings window.
Exit this Advanced Settings window now by clicking on the OK button at the bottom.
So now you've added a TCP and a UDP entry for GNUtella!
Do this for all your available network connections (just to be on the safe side..)!
I have done this following procedure to all three of my present connections.
Restart your PC now... just for goodness' sake! (Remember, dumb/stupid/orthodox...???)

Start LimeWire now. It should connect at full 5 bars! Mine does!

You can set your listening port to any free port.
Ports to try: 80, 1111, 3500, 4008, 1203, 10000, 15189, 20282, 22817, 443, 34599, 40475, 42628
Alternative ports that you can use are mentioned at
Port numbers are mentioned at
Part(s) of the above process are mentioned at
Thanks to previous forum members for these posts.
Also see that the Router Configuration has some number other than 6346. ISPs dont like this number very much ;-)
(Set to Manual forward, then just type any other number, and switch back to UPnp !!! )

Hope this works for you. Best of luck!!!
Regards, AG101
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