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Old November 20th, 2005
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

Wondering Why,

Go to: Control Panel---->system icon, click on it, then click on the hardware tab at the top then to your device drivers and there's your list of drivers. Look down the list of device drivers to the one you need and that will tell you the name of the drive and possibly the number that goes with it. check to see if its installed properly.

If it has something like a red x on it then it's not installed and you may need to reinstall your driver. could be the reason why your computer freezes and never bother sending those stupid reports to MS, heh. they always come back with no answers.

Last edited by Sphinx; November 20th, 2005 at 08:21 PM.
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