Thread: VIrus??
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Old November 26th, 2001
ctempleton3 ctempleton3 is offline
Join Date: November 9th, 2001
Posts: 4
ctempleton3 is flying high
Red face Virus

Yes that is a virus most defentily it sounds like W32.Gnuman.Worm you can look that up at:

The only thing that concerns me is that the worm I have cited is smaller than what you have reported. W32.Gunman.Worm contains no payload it is a proof of concept virus. You should sumit the download sample that you ran to Semantic Anti Virus the exact address is as followes:

Why did I pick that company and not trend or some other company. it is the program that I run. I also suggest that you go out and buy semantic anti virus from a store.

- Charles