Well lets see you want to know what software you can steal and not get a virus. Sorry but this forum is about the software it is not the tell me how to use Legal software to commit Illegal acts forum if you want that start your own forum.
If you want to know about viruses on the network then read the Stickies especially the one Warning viruses on the network you should be aware of
And how much do you want to bet that if tink41503 or you had read that sticky they would not have downloaded a file that was 851.7Kb and not gotten the virus.
Now if you wish to talk about illegal activity go somewhere else it is against the
Forum Rules.
And if you wish to break the law and you get a virus you deserve it. Don't look for names of files in this forum it is against the Rules
Now why don't you try reading the rules the link below will take you there.
1. Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form. Topics discussing techniques for violating these laws and messages containing locations of web sites or other servers hosting illegal content will be silently removed. Multiple offenses will result in consequences.