FYI: and posting IP addresses is not allowed and Grandpa is correct, you're using Limewire to steal arent you? and for your info, there IS NOTHING Limewire can do about viruses and your downloading habits, if you get infected, it IS YOUR fault, not Limewire's nor, has it anything to do with the forum. Read the rules and the sticky notes, thats what they are there for.
and secondly, these topics are posted every dam day and we do get tired of hearing the same moans over and over again. You dl off P2P at your own risk. There is nothing anyone can do about the generated viruses.trojans except becareful of what you download and that will be the only advice anyone will give you on here. we dont get paid for helping newbies.
Viruses are away of life on Gnutella now because noobs are so eager to steal whatever catches their eyes. if users were more aware of what they were downloading then the trojans wouldnt generate.