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Old November 22nd, 2005
Amy5681 Amy5681 is offline
Join Date: November 22nd, 2005
Posts: 2
Amy5681 is flying high
Default Please help me-im DESPARATE

I have windows and Im trying to burn a CD and get some songs onto my iPod. We have a folder in iTunes where all of our limewire songs automatically, and this works completely fine but you can't copy them into the Library or any of the playlists. Ive tried where you go to consolidate library, and I think you somehow have to convert the songs but there seems to be no way to do this. I've been trying to do this for a month, and they used copy, but it just hasnt been working and its getting really frustrating.

Ive tried absolutly everything, ive looked on all the threads, ive searched on google and tried all suggestions and nothing works. my brother knows almost everything about computers and he couldnt figure this out, so please, any suggestions would help. Im really desperate, so PLEASE im begging anyone for suggestions.
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