Can someone pls guide me through either installing or compiling Limewire on this OS? I have installed SUSE 9.1 on here and downloaded the rh9.ymessenger rpm I also have the one labeled as otherr downloaded on here just in case it is the one I am suspose to use. As you can probably tell, I am extremely new to linux, I used Linspire 4.5 for awhile but was easy because I had a months subscription to damn CNR which downloads and installs programs automatically. Very nice tool, to bad it does not stick to the Linux theory of free

. So then I tried to manually install Limewire on Linspire after I had to format it and reinstall Linspire on it due to complications. I figured just do it as debian linux since that is all Linspire is, but alas, no .deb file for Limewire and could not figure out how to get/install/use alien. I just need the commands to install Limewire on SUSE 9.1 if anyone can assist me pls. I figure this will be a nice little OS to learn a little of linux on. I tried rpm -i LimeWireLinux.rpm and I get this error message:
linux:~/Desktop/install # rpm -i LimeWireLinux.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
j2re >= 1.4.1 is needed by LimeWire-free-4.9.37-0
not sure what all this means but does not sound good to me. Any help would be great....thank you