Thread: Freeloaders
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Old November 24th, 2005
chriss888 chriss888 is offline
Join Date: November 23rd, 2005
Location: London
Posts: 2
chriss888 is flying high

Thanks for the replies.
I searched the forums prev. for info regarding freeloaders and have set my preferences to 1 and rarely - but am certain that freeloaders are still getting through.
Don't misunderstand me; I don't have a problem making stuff available. I am sharing files that I haven't downloaded and stuff that I think may be of interest is always put into my available directories.
I'm running Mac powerbooks and PC and using the Mac for up and downloads. I'm not really sure why anyone would go to the trouble of up and downing on different machines
PC you might have to be patient with but my Macs fly like very fast flying things. I understand about ultrapeers and I also understand about people in different regions wiith different connections; I'm lucky I got good machines and an 8meg Bulldog connection but I still reckon Limewire is the bastion of freeloaders. Is it a coincidence that when you browse Limwire people that you can communicate with you get to see what they are sharing? I'm going to root out an article I read in The New Scientist about freeloaders and check to see if I can post it here. The gist of the research was thar where people in communties id themselves there seemed to be some sort of community conscience and freeloading became a rarity. Failing a sudden change in the morals and etiquette of Limeloaders-sorry, freeloaders using Limewire I think that it shouldn't be so difficult to make the system freeloader proof.
Any further comment would be much appreciated.

Last edited by chriss888; November 24th, 2005 at 09:54 AM.
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