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Old November 26th, 2005
amazonannie amazonannie is offline
Join Date: November 26th, 2005
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 1
amazonannie is flying high
Angry I am very upset- was mislead into spending $27.80

I am extremely upset. I went online and using the MSN search engine I typed in: download Excel. I need Excel at home to learn it for work and was looking for a place to download it.

I saw something for a site that said:
Microsoft Excel - Full Version $27.80 -
Download all versions of Microsoft Excel for only $27.80. Download now and get 24/7 full support, extra software and...

I signed up through this place and paid the $27.80. Basically it just has you download Limewire. Here is the part that burns me up. (I have been unemployed, am broke and needed this Excel to practice for a new job coming up) I searched for Excel or MS Office on this Limewire. When I downloaded it Limewire said it could not open it for security reasons. I downloaded several different ones and it would not let me do anything with it.

I feel lied to. The listing on MSN search said I could download all versions of Excel for $27.80. This is not looking to be true. Please help. This place said that even if you get your money back they keep $9.95 of it.

Please help asap.


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