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Old November 26th, 2005
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mharing mharing is offline
stop yer squintin'
Join Date: October 22nd, 2005
Location: Kea'au, Moku o' Keawe
Posts: 29
mharing is flying high

Thanks for the support Stief,

I've looked at preference-->advanced-->firewall settings and tried switching from UpnP (which I had it problem with dl's on this setting) to the manual port setting of 6346. Using LW, I've just downloaded another file that was 5436 kb with a top speed of 170 kb per sec. from a couple of hosts. I got the complete file without any hitches in about 30 seconds. BUT.....LW still detects a firewall...Meaning the brick icon on the bottom left is still there saying "limewire detects a firewall".

It sure does not SEEM like i'm being bottlenecked, but the firewall detection icon is still showing.

LOTR is a very helpful guy and I've followed up his posts on the subject, but all the help is directed to people who are not able to use LW. I can use it fine, I just want to find out if I am bottlenecked.

Thanks for your help steif. I hope I am not being too much of a "bee in your bonnet".

Aloha, Mike
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