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Old November 28th, 2005
jmb jmb is offline
Join Date: November 28th, 2005
Posts: 5
jmb is flying high
Default Nicotine, Phex, Frostwire?? Best results?

Thank you for your reply, Mr. Only A Hobo!

Do you know how to use this p2p Nicotine program, it appears a bit strange to me, since I am not used to this sub-platform using X11 on mac os x 10.4 (unix or linux?)?

Or do you instead recommend to try those other p2p programs (for mac?) that you are listing like Phex and Frostwire, which I have never heard of?

Obviously friends having PC's with Emule, or other popular p2p programs (for PC) get many more results than me on mac with limewire pro!
Are those other p2p programs using another network than gnutella?

Got download links?

Thanx! :-)
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