Thread: No Pro
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Old November 29th, 2005
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Psst...over here!
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I am sure that I didn't pay some scam man for Pro. I paid $1818 and my back account says it went to Limewire. I called the number on the bank record and the female voice answered Limewire and told me to call back in the day time.
Pro costs USD$18.88. But maybe thats a typo The rest of your post sounds ok until you get to this part.
I think I was over charged when I signed up for Basic. It said one price and then I was charged $42.00 or something like that. I thought I had Pro at that time.....How do I go about obtaining PRO without paying the cost again??? I think it is too hard to communicate with Limewire from the program.
This part of your post sounds so familiar, like so many other posts by people who have gotten scammed. But you say you know you were'nt scammed. Maybe you bought Pro from the official
but you were scammed when you bought basic cause basic is free. Have you read this thread? Membership? - **WARNING ** BEWARE** - Download p2p Clients ONLY Thru Official Sites If its not too late you should try to get your money back. Good luck
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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