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Old December 3rd, 2005
jmb jmb is offline
Join Date: November 28th, 2005
Posts: 5
jmb is flying high
Default Hollywood poisoned...

Good-good, let's get poisoned! And see if we will survive!
Could be interesting if Phex is accessing areas of the Gnutella network that Limewire isn't...

Limewire is maybe getting to selfcensor its great research tool getting culture a bit more democratic, even though there are new ways be found to make those many great artist make a living of their art.

In some culture-friendly countries like France, the VAT on cultural products is lowered to give access to most people. I think that it's a shame when books, cd's, Dvd's, film-tickets have such high tax rates!
I don't like the idea of giving access to culture and information only a richer elite. But most commonly the raw truth...

I have heard of the Soulseek network (which should be accessible with Nicotine on mac)... where you can give priviledged access to friends around the world, so they can download from your database quicker than the other peers. But Nicotine's interface is a bit complicated for me.

And talking about the popular p2p for PC, Emule & Edonkey, I just looked through the free web encyclopedia,
and found out that a version for mac is available! It is called Amule, and seems to be equipped with many more complex control options than Limewire, and also the "Buddy" privilege option. Maybe worth a try!

I will try to find those rare files I cant find on Limewire. Usually vintage files, much more difficult to find than the last Hollywood **** that everybody eats with popcorn, and flushes away in the toilet next day.
Consumption, sometimes entertainment... Rarely art. At least not from the tired cliché Hollywood machine.

Cheers! ;-)

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