The Art of "Not-Getting-Caught" ? Hi everybody.
I have a question concerning the download of illegal mp3s and the like: how exactly do people get caught? What I know is that the "police" is searching for illegal files constantly and traces the IPs of the sharing community; in case they find you suspicious of possessing illegal files, they try to figure out what you are sharing and download that stuff from you. In case they are successfull, you might be charged with possession and sharing of illegal data.
Is this true? Because if that is the case, why not simply do the following:
1. Set any uploads in your sharing software to zero; that includes speed, number of uploads and so on.
2. Install a bandwith monitoring tool and reduce the overall upload to the absolute minimum (~0-1 kb/s). Do the same with the upload traffic of the software you are using.
3. Immediately remove all completed downloads from the shared folder, so they won't be - if at all - not shared anyway.
Now, my question is: would you ever risk being caught downloading files, if you might actually never be charged of possession and sharing illegal files?
BTW - I know that the whole sharing system is not going to last long this way, so let's think of this discussion as being highly theoretical!
Thank you in advance for your replies, please excuse my lack of fluency,
H. |