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Old December 4th, 2005
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crawler_nt crawler_nt is offline
creepy crawly
Join Date: September 26th, 2005
Location: In Your Drain Pipe
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Originally posted by Only A Hobo
From here this thread has become nothing but somewhat stupid name calling, and as I know that Wondering why is not of that nature as a rule, and et voila never raises his voice above a whisper (unless the subject of Shareaza comes up ) perhaps anyone left standing in the thread could just cool down.

That's better. I can never understand why people who would not speak so rudely to other humans in person think they can hide behind their key boards and hurl insults across the world
I do not wish to name pick but if you read the post carefully i think you'll find that the follwing posts by a certain individual were the offensive and 'rule' breaking comments!

Originally posted by wondering why
So before you sprout your mouth relise that I have approx 187 files and I only download what I want, not what you or anyone says I should have...

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it....
Originally posted by wondering why

Listen A*sh*l*, No, no clipart or gifs or anything else that would be of interest to anyone and Im not stupid I know your freakin cat was just an example and as for the pig comment I can think of a few more choice words for you, AND Im not a ******* a bitch maybe, but definatley not a *******....
I now know how this person has managed to accumulate 265+ posts...

Last edited by crawler_nt; December 4th, 2005 at 09:32 AM.
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