WQell my friend I've read most of your post but the lack of a lot of punctuation or spacing makes it a hard read.
The speed you specify is a guide only. So that others can see yor speed in their search window. CableDSL should do the trick
The user guide is available to all to view or download at
www.limewire.com > Support > user guide ... FAQ and a glossary are there too
At the head of each forum there are Stickies and these are helpful posts which have been put there to, hopefully, save newbies from sifting through all the other stuff.
These forums are not a part of Limewire and answers you get do not come from Limewire .. just a bunch of people who give their time and a grain or two of knowledge to those who require it.
If you stick around the forums you will realize that not all subjects can be covered in a manual. Your remarks about Freeloaders, for example...... It is virtually impossible to tell who is a freeloader, and you say there times you do not want to share at all hmmm now that might make others who don't know better to think you are a free loader and ... well you can see where I'm going. Why would you not want to share? just curious.
When Limewire Freezes which tends to happen after it's been running a while... The display freezes and it might take a few minutes to get back to normal, but during this time uploads andd downloads will continue unaffected.
I hope this helped a bit, I know I haven't responded to every point but possibly next time you could limit a post to just one or two points and that way, it will be a bit easier for all of us