First of all i would like the Xolox team to have a POLL at their website where they make a vote of a feature they have either heard would be nice or they just thought would help the users. !!
Make that happen << comment for the Xolox team is the poll i would suggest...
Does Xolox need to show more information about the software in the search area?:
1.: YES much as possible.
2.: Hell yeah!!...and make it chooseable so we can choose what we wanna see.
3.: Not for my sake...i'm sattisfied as it is now
4.: There are too much information for me..i need to go and rest myself afterwards...
5.: just thought there should be five answers fot this poll...
give your answer...and give a reason.... my answer would definitly be nr. 2....and that is because i want to be able to choose bitrate (music) and resolution and format (movies) and so forth...
and i would also like if i were able to choose where the information should be....(move it around..)