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Old December 7th, 2005
jen420 jen420 is offline
Join Date: December 7th, 2005
Posts: 2
jen420 is flying high
Unhappy HELP!! I'm gonna throw my IPOD out the window.

Alright. So I got an Ipod. I have Itunes on my PC. I downloaded LimeWire. I searched for some tunes that I wanted. I downloaded them in LimeWire. I went back to ITunes. They're in there. I can play them in my ITunes, but when I update my Ipod - they don't go to the Ipod... it just keeps whirring and whirring like it's trying to do something, but nothing happens. I downloaded like 6 songs out of Limewire... one acutally shows up on my Ipod, but when I try to listen to it... nothing - and it seems to be freezing my Ipod up. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS. Please help. I'm sure I just didn't do soommmeething right. All I wanna do is listen to good music, is that a crime???
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