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Old December 9th, 2005
The Elder The Elder is offline
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Join Date: August 26th, 2005
Location: midwest U.S.
Posts: 26
The Elder is flying high
Default I Commend you non-blocker, non-banner types

I have expounded on this subject before in other threads so I won't get into it again except to say, those of you who are so worried about free loaders etc. should get off your high horse and join the network 100%. If you have it, share it. Let him who is without sin throw the first stone or something like that! And, as Only A Hobo alluded to; your upload speed does not affect your download speed. And, for those of you who cut off an upload at 99%, for shame, for shame!

Now, I need a fix. I haven't changed my options for many months so, results in my upload window caught me by surprise this morning. An IP was busy downloading and had filled my que. His/her next attempt resulted in "Greedy Servant Banned". Was it something I said, or a setting I have wrong? How do I un-ban them?
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