Mud is clearer LOL You use Limewire to download songs onto your computer. Just like you can use a browser. The files are downloaded to a folder or location on the computer. You can then close down Limewire and your browser and forget about them. (You can't really, becaue some one else my be uploading from you

) You then locate the files, in their folder ...mp3s and these are what you put on your player. In Limewire there is a playlist, and this is made up of m3u files and if you try to burn these, or load them on an mp3 player nothing happens. They are not mp3s ..just playlist files.
You find where your Limewire files are (if you haven't moved them, at options or preferences > saving > save folder.
If on your travels you enter the Limewire Library DO NOT USE THE DELETE FEATURE on any files you want to keep. If you delete the file it will be deleted ...end of story no trash or recycle bin
I hope this helps