Thread: EMule
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Old December 10th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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E-mule is in the unenviable position of not having rights to which is totally unrelated to p2p in any way is the place for e-Mule and the fact that their current sponsors are a couple of scam sites(the same thing happens on these forums) doesn't help much either.

Sniffy Dog Please: Why ARE you posting here?

I think I know the answer .... "eMule 0.46c" is the latest emule 4.8.1 looks more like a [fairly old] Limewire number to me!!!!!

So you must go to the site you bought the software from, which I suspect had emule in the title, and cancel your credit card because these sites are crooks and fraudsters and could do anything with your card details.
Your credit card company might refund the money under their anti fraud policy, and you should uninstall along with its preference folders the ageing Limewire I suspect you have. Check your machine for spyware and viruses. Then install the Latest Limwire from The basic version is free. The pro costs US$18.88 you can get that later.... Limewire does not sell Movie packs, spy ware packs or kitchen sinks ... Just the p2p application.
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