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Old December 10th, 2005
Labonza Labonza is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2005
Posts: 2
Labonza is flying high

Originally posted by wondering why
Maybe you should ring your ISP and enquire about their p2p policies, maybe their blocking you from p2p...just a thought....
Yup. My ISP just started "traffic shaping" or "throttling" P2P access recently. My speeds are terrible and d/ls stall out after a minute or so.

There is software ISPs use to monitor network traffic and they can specify which net ports run at full speed and which ones dont. So, your web surfing and email are as fast as ever ,but your P2P speed is terrible.

As more ISPs start adding VOIP to their service, more people will start to have these problems. They want to use the bandwidth for that.

I'm gonna start a thread on this forum about this so everyone having this problem can read about the software ISPs use and how it works. It might come in handy so when you call your ISP to complain about this, at least you'll know if they're telling you the truth or not.
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