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Old December 10th, 2005
The Elder The Elder is offline
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Join Date: August 26th, 2005
Location: midwest U.S.
Posts: 26
The Elder is flying high
Default MORB, I applaud your dedication to screening files before sharing!

Would that everyone would follow your lead. I don't think many realize the trash they help to spread by sharing their download folder automatically.

HOBO-I don't know for sure but I don't think the downloader is notified he/she has been banned. When I'm being greedy by trying to get seldom seen files from hosts who only log on on their birthdays I might succeed for one file but I then get "need more sources" for the others. I searched again and that host was still there with all of the files listed. I rebooted (changing my IP address) and the same thing happened. Downloaded one file and the rest "needed more sources" This could be a fluke though.

In the same vein, I guess I really don't understand "need more sources". You do a search and the host is listed with the files he/she is sharing. Try to download a file and NMS msg. Do a new search and the host is still listed. Are they just pretending to share? If LW lists their files they must be online because you can also browse them. How would they list files yet not share them?

Last edited by The Elder; December 11th, 2005 at 12:09 PM.
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