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Old December 11th, 2005
punkprincess punkprincess is offline
actively hating my ISP
Join Date: October 5th, 2005
Location: india
Posts: 20
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Angry ISP issue- packet shaping n port blocks

MY connection hassles over the last month have been becoz of my ISP - which has now started employing something called packet shaping - to figure what are normal browsing patterns, which it allows and what are p2p apps using bandwidth, which it disallows.
the block is not complete, so occasionally i do manage to connect to limewire, though more often not.
changing firewall settings, changing port nos, deleting the .limewire preferences file, uninstalling/re-installing LW does not help.
i use pacenet, in mumbai - and i don't have the option of changing my ISP, becoz there aren't any others in my area.
people who have been having trouble with connecting to limewire with the port test for limewire coming as page loading failed - please check the terms of use of your ISP. chances are, it has something to say about monitoring bandwidth access and limiting the same in case of excess use. this is what my ISP says -
Broadband Pacenet’s technologies have the ability to identify, in real-time, excessive consumption of bandwidth on a per end-user basis and correct it by temporarily reducing the throughput of the specific end-user that is excessively consuming bandwidth on the network. Once an end-user is identified as excessively using bandwidth, its individual throughput speed will begin to be reduced downward to a preset minimum. Once the end-user reduces its throughput and the Broadband Pacenet technologies observe the end-user’s usage of the bandwidth returning to RUP levels, the throughput limitations are progressively lifted over a period of time. This period of time is dependent on the total size and time period of the initial consumption that caused the reduction.

End-users that continually download large files, such as complete operating systems (e.g. Linux), should experience throughput limitations on a pro-rata basis over time until their average utilization returns to the levels expected from an individual residential user. The Broadband Pacenet RUP will still allow for large consumers of bandwidth to complete the download of their data. However, this type of end-user will experience throughput speed reductions until such time that their usage conforms to average usage patterns.
this is just cheating, simple and pure. who defines what is excess or average or expected? how can they block apps just like that - with not a word about it in the user agreement? of course - i'm ranting quite a bit here, but then i'm SO mad at them just now... calling their helplines is obviously useless, they just deny blocking anything.

so far, the only way i can connect with limewire is to ensure that limewire tries to connect to the network at the same moment as i get my connexion to the net - ie when i startup my ISP dialer. in the first few seconds i guess the ports are not monitored or whatever, but i can connect to limewire in these few seconds, regardless of the port i use.

nobody's gonna take these guys to court, we take an avg of 2yrs for homicide to come up for trial here, consumer cases languish for years and years...the only way out is to beat them at their system, so if anyone knows how to get around this, please please help...

Last edited by punkprincess; December 11th, 2005 at 04:47 AM.
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